I am an active researcher at CSIR and studying the physical and dynamical behaviour of the ocean, seasonal storm mixed layer dynamics, the role and importance of co 2 and heat fluxes for upper
ocean variability and about sea ice dynamics. In line with these works, I am also looking at ocean biogeochemical properties and ocean productivity. I am using the high resolution (2-3 km) coupled
ocean sea-ice biogeochemical model NEMO and MITgcm at high latitude for these purposes. I am also looking at the behaviour of the Southern Ocean in recent decades to understand its role in the ocean carbon
cycle, meridional overturning circulation and sea-ice variability.
I obtained my PhD in Atmospheric and Ocean Science at the University of Allahabad, India. During my PhD study, I used a high-resolution regional ocean sea ice and ice-shelf coupled model MITgcm to
explore the sea ice variability around Indian Antarctic stations and investigate the role of air-sea forcings on mixed layer heat budget in the sea ice zone.