SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
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The Southern Ocean is a key component of the earth system, being responsible for 50% of ocean uptake of atmospheric CO2 and 30% of carbon export flux to the deep ocean. Introduction Climate models and decadal data sets predict changes in the Earth’s climate that will influence the effectiveness of the Southern Ocean CO2 sink Continue Reading

SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
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They are heading out past the breakwater to deploy this wave glider, which will begin its month-long journey to the Southern Ocean, and they are racing against the oncoming storm. These storms are part of the reason that the Southern Ocean is one of the most under-researched in the world, even though it absorbs almost Continue Reading

SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
SOCCO releases its Phase IV Integrated Science and Innovation Strategy: 2022-2027
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Their previous long term mission, the Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx, Swart et al., 2012) was conducted between September 2012 and March 2013, when five state-of-the-art autonomous Seagliders were deployed in the Southern Ocean from aboard South Africa’s newest polar ship, the SA Agulhas II. The gliders observed the SAZ region of the SE Continue Reading